Finding my voice…

As a form of therapy, I have created a blog about my personal story of surviving domestic violence. I am learning that keeping silent only benefits the abuser while continuing to stunt the healing and growth needed for the victim. “Victim” is still such a foreign word to me, I don’t want to be known as a victim, and the stigma this word carries with it in this day and age. This ‘victim’ had to have done something, provoked, initiated, something…people don’t just abuse. Do they? The pure evil of some people has been one of the most difficult parts of this journey, but evil from the person you married who vowed to love, honor and protect is just incomprehensible at times. I’m writing and sharing to spread awareness and to put a stop to domestic violence. I am not a writer by any means, and this will most definitely not be grammatically correct, but this will be real and raw and the truth. The truth will set you free and ya’ll, that’s what I intend to achieve with this…freedom. Everyone can play a role in raising awareness and stopping this type of abuse, because it affects everyone. Maybe its your mother, your daughter or son, maybe your sister or niece, or maybe its your girlfriend or wife or is dealing with the lasting psychological affects that abuse plays on your mind and body. If you see something….PLEASE say something!! I can remember being pinned up against a wall in public unable to escape making eye contact with a man standing off to the side watching, silently begging him to step in and help me. I can guarantee he doesn’t remember me after all these years, but ya’ll, I could pick him out of a lineup. His face and eyes burned into my memory as I stared and willed him to come intervene but instead, he walked away and so did my hope. I will never know why that man didn’t help me, I don’t fault him or his reasons. My abuser was carrying at the time so maybe this man saw the imprint of the gun and just couldn’t take the risk for a complete stranger…I don’t know. If you were in this position and saw someone in need, what would you do…….

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